Intelligent Innovative Technology is a Canadian company dedicated to bring innovations alive. |
About UsIntelligent Innovative Technology (IIT) is an incorporated Canadian identity. The company is engaged in development and marketing of Information Technology Solutions The company has launching various exciting new ideas for last few years; wide variety of successful innovations including DBargain, Virtual Get Together, Evalu and Qalam; there products have been design, developed, launched and are being marketed now. IIT’s vision is to become a leader in introducing successful solutions and services. Contact UsEmail: |
Products1) DBargainDBargain is a plug & play bargaining API tool exclusively developed for Shopify and WooCommerce store owners. Dbargain let your website visitors to bargain & negotiate for your products or services in real time with the help of Artificial Intelligence, thereby increasing your online conversion by more than 30%. Using the power of internet and Artificial Intelligence technologies, the merchandisers now have the opportunity to manage and increase their sales in a much convenient manner. Not only bargaining has been a classical tradition of the market, but it also makes sure the increased number of sales. Without bargaining option, sellers are unable to sell to the buyers who might be very interested in a product but the listed price is out of their budget. Vbargian provides options to buyers to negotiate price while it gives the option to seller to close more sales that was not possible before Dbargian. People often miss out good products based on the gap between the listed price of the product and their budget, leading to a loss for both: the seller and the buyer as well. VBargain encompasses the following choices: |
2) EvaluEvalu is a comprehensive Evaluation system and smart phone App that provides a platform for creating, deploying and collecting online feedback for any training or conference sessions. Evalu displays feedback results dynamically during or after the session allowing interaction with participants. Businesses are competing for repeat and loyal customers; Evalu App helps gather Feedbacks, Reviews and Rating using smartphones. Evalu helps you Understand and Delight Customers. Evalu gathers users or participants’ response reflecting their likes and dislikes for the services received, Simple Hassle Fee real time Evaluation on the spot. Value of Evalu
Evalu generates real time reports through fast and interactive BI tools to help you analyses the responses of your target audience. Website: |
3) Virtual Get To GatherWe are living in a global village, the need to interact with anyone anywhere on demand is increasing and technology is bridging distances. Virtual Get Together (Vgtg) offers a platform for all sorts of (virtual) gatherings. A unique opportunity for celebrities, artists and literary figures to meet with their fans globally in groups or individually on-demand, friends can request and invite other friends for an informal (virtual) get-to-gether. VGTG connects the global audience with performers who can operate form their homes and audience can attend form their home. VGTG is solution to organize paid concerts and other social and literary events. VGTG seeks to diminish physical distances by being the gateway created to become “the-place-to-go” for our current and future generations to get exposed to our culture, literature and music.
The website has been created to hold virtual entertainment events watched by anyone globally; artists, poets, musicians, or celebrities can meet with their fans; wherever they live they can hold their own virtual entertainment event for their fans; they can load their profile on online today to provide a chance to your fans to meet with you. VGTG allows:
Website: |
4) QalamQalam is designed to facilitate writing, saving and sharing messages spoken on any smart phone. Qalam is particularly useful for languages where letters of any given word are joined to one another in a continuous flowing line like in Arabic, Farsi and Urdu. There is no need to use any specific key board when speaking messages using Qalam, messages can be saved or shared using the common message sharing tools like iMessage, WhatsApp, Skype, email etc. Spoken messages can be edited by selecting all or part of message; the erase option provides for either erasing the whole page or a part of written message. There are currently over 2500 users of Qalam Globally. Qalam is fast, simple and secure app that will type messages spoken in Urdu. Get Qalam for free at Android: |
Upcoming Innovations |
5) Humara AdabWe are delighted that the concepts we conceived years back has now become a reality. Our vision is to provide a platform for our current and future generations where every aspect of our great heritage and culture is preserved. Our goal is to assist our new generation who have not been introduced to our language and culture become familiar with and get inspired by some of the greatest poets, writers, signers, composers and actors our society has produced. It is our hope that will become a central point of interaction between anyone who is interested in our culture and rich treasures hidden in our literature for many centuries. is a fusion of our past and the latest technology which will connect our literary figures Writers and Poets, Artists and Celebrities with those who are interested to meet with them or allow those who can teach our languages with those who wish to learn our languages, while they are many thousands of miles apart. will also make it possible for anyone to attend literary or cultural events globally from the comfort of their own homes. |
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